What Lies on the Other Side of Your Fear Mountain?
Often our fear looms like an impassable mountain causing us to stop in our tracks. But what if our growth and purpose lies on the other side of the fear mountains?

Manifesting: New Age or Biblical?
The Cambridge Dictionary’s word of the year for 2024 was “manifesting.” A trendy topic across social media, from life coaches to celebrities, it refers to the practice of using visualization and affirmations to imagine or achieve what we desire. According to the British dictionary, it’s the “belief that doing so will make it more likely to happen.” While this practice has often been labeled as secular, “new agy” and criticized by Christians, I believe there are essential truths within the concept that align with biblical principles. Let me explain.

Beginning with Forgiveness
Betrayal. Grief. Sadness. Loneliness. These words defined much of the last year for me. In the midst of devastating loss, I turned to the Lord with big questions. What’s next, Lord? How can I start over from here? What are you preparing me for in all of this? And most importantly, how can I forgive someone who has caused me so much pain?
How are you starting this new year? Are you carrying any pain with you from last year? Is there any bitterness in your heart? Is there someone you need to forgive? Maybe it’s a wrong that was done to you many years ago. Perhaps it’s been easier to hold on tightly to the hurt than to let it go.

The Paradox of Joy and Suffering
We don’t need to live exceptionally long to realize that pain and suffering are a byproduct of life.
Eventually, suffering arrives, breaking in like an intruder and wreaking havoc on our best-made
plans, upending our hopes and dreams for the future and leaving us writhing in the ruins.
Sometimes, pain can even cause us to question God.

Transforming Love
God longs for a relationship with us, and once we link arms with him and accept his invitation, we are secured and transformed by his love. We never need to question his love or our worth.

Embracing Life—Together
For many years, I believed the lie that everyone else had life figured out. They didn’t have problems, they didn’t struggle, and their lives were perfect. I no longer think that way.

Healing Through Forgiveness: A Reflection on Being Hurt by “God's People"
The worse hurts of my life have been caused by “God’s people”. Even though I have healed and forgiven, the scars remain. And, once in a while, triggers will either make me want to fight or flee.

Beautiful, ShinNy Rimowa
I changed my mind! I’m neither spiritual or religious…. I’ve decided on a new title with all the (beautiful, shiny Rimowa) baggage it carries.
Written by: Melanie Stevenson